of the city of Vreden for the Riga Committee is
Ms Gabriele Terhalle
Dept. School, Youth, Sport and Culture
Burgstr. 14
48691 Vreden
Tel.: +49 (0)2564 / 303 208
Email: gabriele.terhalle@vreden.de
The town of Vreden has dealt with this part of its history in many ways.
Since 2000, there has been a synagogue memorial here, where the names of the 23 Jewish victims from Vreden are recorded in a dignified manner. Since 9th November 2000, this memorial has provided a dignified setting for the annual commemorative event of the pogrom night in 1938.
Holocaust Memorial Day (the day of the liberation of Auschwitz) on 27th January has been commemorated for years with a ceremony in the town hall.
There are various articles on the Jewish community and the synagogue in publications of the Heimatverein Vreden and the district of Borken, such as the book by H. Terhalle (ed.): Studien zur Geschichte der Juden im Kreis Borken (Studies on the History of the Jews in the District of Borken), including H. Terhalle, Die Geschichte der Vredener Judengemeinde von der zweiten Hälfte des 17. Jahrhundert bis zu ihrem Untergang (The History of the Jewish Community of Vreden from the Second Half of the 17th Century to its Demise), pp. 57 - 119 (Beiträge des Heimatvereins Vreden zur Landes- und Volkskunde, Vol. 26, Vreden, 1984).
A project on the NS history was financed by the city with about 60.000 €. As a result, a three-volume book on the history of Vreden during the Nazi era was published in 2008. [Höting/Sodmann (eds.), Tausend Jahre. Vreden 1933 - 1945, Vreden, 2008 (Westmünsterland Quellen und Studien Band 15], 1616 pages.
In the essay "Building in the NS period" there's a brief report on the sale and demolition of the synagogue, but mainly in Ingeborg Höting/Bernhard Robers, "Jüdische Familien in Vreden bis 1942" (pp. 1125 - 1486)
Bernd Feldhaus, "Wat hebbt de Juden eer dann daon?" (pp. 1487 - 1490)
Aloys Terbille/Ingeborg Höting/Timothy Sodmann, "Anders konn 'we jao nargens hen." Vreden - Westerbork - Winterswijk. Ernst Wolff (1906 - 1996). "Stations of a Jewish Life" (pp. 1491 - 1540).
How many Jews were born, married and died in Vreden, where they lived, what professions they had, Aryanisation, and their persecution are systematically presented in these essays. At the end of the essays, the biographies of 278 Vreden Jews are briefly presented.
Hubert Krandick